Ah yes, time for more of the filthosopher's cheesy wisdom.
Few days ago saw a youtube abt some man threatening a driver on board SBS, appparently he was asked to pay for his ride and that pissed him off (strange, i always tot paying for a bus ride was a normal thing). What followed was a rant abt how he was gonna kill the driver and how he was a badass blah blah. But the video is not the subject of this post.......it's the viewer comments.
Majority assert that the alleged troublemaker in the video was a Bangla (more correctly Bangladeshi, and often erroneously generalised as construction workers. I know a guy from school who is a Bangladeshi, he's a scholar btw). What followed was some claims abt how easy a Bangla would be to fight back.
Eh wise asses, your confidence in beating up Banglas have prompted me to start a whole new tread, and this time, Mr Bangla is gonna be the first of an inaugural list of ......
Few days ago saw a youtube abt some man threatening a driver on board SBS, appparently he was asked to pay for his ride and that pissed him off (strange, i always tot paying for a bus ride was a normal thing). What followed was a rant abt how he was gonna kill the driver and how he was a badass blah blah. But the video is not the subject of this post.......it's the viewer comments.
Majority assert that the alleged troublemaker in the video was a Bangla (more correctly Bangladeshi, and often erroneously generalised as construction workers. I know a guy from school who is a Bangladeshi, he's a scholar btw). What followed was some claims abt how easy a Bangla would be to fight back.
Eh wise asses, your confidence in beating up Banglas have prompted me to start a whole new tread, and this time, Mr Bangla is gonna be the first of an inaugural list of ......
The Bangla

With his skinny frame, employer abuse, malnourishment and little rest, it is easy to think that the Bangla cant put up a fight.....right?......WRONG!
What do you do each morning when u go to work? You washup, have breakfast, read the morning paper, take the bus to your office, skive for a while, answer phone calls and type stuff. Then you have the weekends off to play some soccer and catch up on sleep.
You know what the Bangla does everyday for 6 days a week?
He gets up before the sun, has a quick meal, and then spend the rest of the day lifitng weights and hammering stuff. This guy is paid to literally tear down walls and rip toilet fixtures of the floor.
U think he's skinny? Think abt it, this guy doesnt get the best in food but he gets the essentials, none of the fat, none of the nice little flavors we take for granted. This guy is a machine so accustomed to discomfort and fueled by food catered specifically to providing him with the strength to tear shit apart. He looks skinny becaus there isnt any of that extra stuff. His system has been streamlined to fit its intense purpose. All you see on that Bangla....is pure pillar tearing muscle.
You know those exercise machines you have in the gym? Mr Bangla has them too, they're called wheelbarrows filled with heavy shit. Instead of dumbbells this guy is swinging around bricks for hundreds of reps a day.
This guy is paid to workout day and sometimes night. Add a bit of Black Cat and he's unstoppable. So next time you're thinking of picking on a Bangla, remember, he pulled apart a house in the morning and had his boss scream at him, he's had a really bad day and where there's one of him, there's a lot more where he came from.
Mr. Bangla is the first on my Badass of the Week. Next week, i will feature Segata Sanshiro.
Redeeming info for the day:
Bangladeshi's are not to be confused with Indians. They may have a shared history, but calling a Bangla an Indian is like calling a Singaporean Malaysian or a Korean Japanese. Bangladeshi used to be called East Pakistan ( i can hear some of my non-existing audience go : there were two Pakistans?). That happed after Partition in India where Pakistan was born. East and West Pakistan were seperated down the middle by India. After a while, i suppose it just made sense for East Pakistan to gain independence and become Bangladesh.
Stuff to impress old folks but probably leave you a virgin
- the capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka
- Bangladesh is prone to flooding because it is one of the flattest lands in the world
What do you do each morning when u go to work? You washup, have breakfast, read the morning paper, take the bus to your office, skive for a while, answer phone calls and type stuff. Then you have the weekends off to play some soccer and catch up on sleep.
You know what the Bangla does everyday for 6 days a week?
He gets up before the sun, has a quick meal, and then spend the rest of the day lifitng weights and hammering stuff. This guy is paid to literally tear down walls and rip toilet fixtures of the floor.
U think he's skinny? Think abt it, this guy doesnt get the best in food but he gets the essentials, none of the fat, none of the nice little flavors we take for granted. This guy is a machine so accustomed to discomfort and fueled by food catered specifically to providing him with the strength to tear shit apart. He looks skinny becaus there isnt any of that extra stuff. His system has been streamlined to fit its intense purpose. All you see on that Bangla....is pure pillar tearing muscle.
You know those exercise machines you have in the gym? Mr Bangla has them too, they're called wheelbarrows filled with heavy shit. Instead of dumbbells this guy is swinging around bricks for hundreds of reps a day.
This guy is paid to workout day and sometimes night. Add a bit of Black Cat and he's unstoppable. So next time you're thinking of picking on a Bangla, remember, he pulled apart a house in the morning and had his boss scream at him, he's had a really bad day and where there's one of him, there's a lot more where he came from.
Mr. Bangla is the first on my Badass of the Week. Next week, i will feature Segata Sanshiro.
Redeeming info for the day:
Bangladeshi's are not to be confused with Indians. They may have a shared history, but calling a Bangla an Indian is like calling a Singaporean Malaysian or a Korean Japanese. Bangladeshi used to be called East Pakistan ( i can hear some of my non-existing audience go : there were two Pakistans?). That happed after Partition in India where Pakistan was born. East and West Pakistan were seperated down the middle by India. After a while, i suppose it just made sense for East Pakistan to gain independence and become Bangladesh.
Stuff to impress old folks but probably leave you a virgin
- the capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka
- Bangladesh is prone to flooding because it is one of the flattest lands in the world