Evolution and dead virgins
Science shouldnt be atas, it shouldnt be the sole purview of the intelligentsia or exploited by the bourgeoisie, it should be accessible to the masses, and rearticulated to fit the circumstances of the everyman, something average Joe can relate to. But ignorance is bliss and knowledge brings pain, and for the everyman, i have info here that will either free you or make you sad. (if you want the more scientific explanation, scroll to the bottom)
Here's why there's a 50% chance that men who die virgins deserve to do so:
Your gene is selfish, it doesnt know whether you drive a WRX or take Bus 11, it doesnt know whether you are a investment banker with JP Morgan or a VCD seller, and neither does it care. All it knows and cares for is that it must pass itself on to your offspring. And in order for that to happen, you need to fuck.
The desire for sex is fundamental to our survival, and the survival of all Eukaryotic, multicellular species on this planet (even plants have sex, more next time). When my women friends say that men only think about sex, i reply that if we werent like so, the race wont survive. So ya, maybe Freud was right, sex is the fundamental driving force in human nature.
Moving on, in order for you to fuck, there must be someone to fuck. The peacock must find the peahen to mate with, it cant just screw a feather duster, and since most animals save for primates (humans, apes, chimps, bonobos etc), dont have opposable thumbs or hands for that matter, i doubt that the peacock is able to wank, so the only way for the peacock to satisfy its very natural horniness is to screw a peahen. If it does, it will pass on its genetic material to the peachicks that the peahen produces, the generation repeats and peacocks continue to live.
So why would a peahen sleep with a peacock? Did the stud buy her a drink, take her out on dates or promise her that lucrative promotion at the office? Well, it's because she finds him pretty. So here it is, what men have been searching for their entire lives, the very secret that drives men to Indonesia and Thailand to consult the shamans for magical concoctions, the secret that NS men have been fervently searching for in the pages of FHM and other second rate skin mags.........what would make a female sleep with you.......
1) Have good genes
2) Be a provider
Why do women like tall broad shouldered men, flat stomachs, straight teeth, chiselled features as opposed to Quasimodo the Hunchback of Notre Dame? Simple, its the genes and state of health. Thats why peacocks need the pretty feathers, the beauty of their feathers indicates how healthy they are.
Thats why if you are buck teethed, overweight and unevenly footed with the mental capacity of a drooling half retarded camel you dont find women queing up to sleep with you- cos your genes are obviously fucked up some where. Do you think they want such fucked up DNA in them? Do you think a woman would wanna nauseously bear another human being for 9mths then painfully squeeze it out her pussy and be rewarded with a smaller, dumber, more drooly version of you and then raise it for the next 15 years? I dont think so.
But of course, i sound too cruel. I myself am far from perfect. My feet point 45 degrees outwards, i often have people enquire about my hernia condition or swollen gonads. My face is a nice short angular square with the resemblance of a mahjong tile, women arent exactly queing up for me either. We cant choose the conditions of our birth nor the genes that constitute us. So how?
2) Be a provider
Do you find women who openly declare that they'd like to be impregnated by irresponsible men and then abandoned during their nauseous 9mths of childbearing? Hav u come across women who say they love to be single mothers juggling 2 jobs and 3 babies because the father of her children left them? I dont think so. You see, females, especially mammals (thats you and me) are extremely vulnerable when they are heavy with child, because of the gestation period (9mths). After the child is born, it will require supervision, care and feeding until it reaches maturity- humans take bloody long to do that, there are 23 yr olds who are still terribly immature.
Now which do you think a human female would prefer-
a) penniless, doesnt wanna get a job, can hardly provide for himself let alone wife and kids, no future ah seng
b) drive fast car, stable income , can send kids for piano lesson, next month get promoted ah huat.
If you cant answer this question you are probably too stupid to raise kids and therefore shouldnt have them.
So to my fellow men out there, stop bitching about how women only care about money and good looks, go out there and get a job, improve yourself and go for a jog.
So why do some losers die virgins? Well, in a cruel, pure biological sense (over here i will use animals as examples), an organism which such poor genes will not get a chance to mate and will therefore die, its fucked up genes die with it. Or 2 organisms that have poor genetic constitutions will produce an offspring with such a poor state of health that it dies before sexual maturity or is infertile.
In a human sense, if you are a slob, jobless, spending whatever handouts from your retired parents to pay for your 4D hoping to strike it big, then u r a loser that deserves to die a virgin. You are not exactly genetically weak, but your sexual fitness is at an all time low, and your ability to provide is non-existent. Dont spread your nonsense to future generations pls. Thanks.
[Let me make myself clear: I AM NOT A PROPONENT OF EUGENICS! One can make up for poor genetics by constantly improving themselves on other levels. When i say some losers deserve to die virgins i mean they can still live normal lives, just that they're virgins. I AM NOT SAYING go out and kill these fuckers before they get lucky!!!!]
To save myself a lot of accusations of being Hitler, i recommend you.....go......and.......
i) Selfish Gene (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/selfish_gene)
ii) Sexual selection (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sexual_selection)
iii) Sexual fitness (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sexual_fitness)
iv) Mate choice (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mate_choice)
next time I'll tell you why gorillas have small balls
Science shouldnt be atas, it shouldnt be the sole purview of the intelligentsia or exploited by the bourgeoisie, it should be accessible to the masses, and rearticulated to fit the circumstances of the everyman, something average Joe can relate to. But ignorance is bliss and knowledge brings pain, and for the everyman, i have info here that will either free you or make you sad. (if you want the more scientific explanation, scroll to the bottom)
Here's why there's a 50% chance that men who die virgins deserve to do so:
Your gene is selfish, it doesnt know whether you drive a WRX or take Bus 11, it doesnt know whether you are a investment banker with JP Morgan or a VCD seller, and neither does it care. All it knows and cares for is that it must pass itself on to your offspring. And in order for that to happen, you need to fuck.
The desire for sex is fundamental to our survival, and the survival of all Eukaryotic, multicellular species on this planet (even plants have sex, more next time). When my women friends say that men only think about sex, i reply that if we werent like so, the race wont survive. So ya, maybe Freud was right, sex is the fundamental driving force in human nature.
Moving on, in order for you to fuck, there must be someone to fuck. The peacock must find the peahen to mate with, it cant just screw a feather duster, and since most animals save for primates (humans, apes, chimps, bonobos etc), dont have opposable thumbs or hands for that matter, i doubt that the peacock is able to wank, so the only way for the peacock to satisfy its very natural horniness is to screw a peahen. If it does, it will pass on its genetic material to the peachicks that the peahen produces, the generation repeats and peacocks continue to live.
So why would a peahen sleep with a peacock? Did the stud buy her a drink, take her out on dates or promise her that lucrative promotion at the office? Well, it's because she finds him pretty. So here it is, what men have been searching for their entire lives, the very secret that drives men to Indonesia and Thailand to consult the shamans for magical concoctions, the secret that NS men have been fervently searching for in the pages of FHM and other second rate skin mags.........what would make a female sleep with you.......
1) Have good genes
2) Be a provider
Why do women like tall broad shouldered men, flat stomachs, straight teeth, chiselled features as opposed to Quasimodo the Hunchback of Notre Dame? Simple, its the genes and state of health. Thats why peacocks need the pretty feathers, the beauty of their feathers indicates how healthy they are.
Thats why if you are buck teethed, overweight and unevenly footed with the mental capacity of a drooling half retarded camel you dont find women queing up to sleep with you- cos your genes are obviously fucked up some where. Do you think they want such fucked up DNA in them? Do you think a woman would wanna nauseously bear another human being for 9mths then painfully squeeze it out her pussy and be rewarded with a smaller, dumber, more drooly version of you and then raise it for the next 15 years? I dont think so.
But of course, i sound too cruel. I myself am far from perfect. My feet point 45 degrees outwards, i often have people enquire about my hernia condition or swollen gonads. My face is a nice short angular square with the resemblance of a mahjong tile, women arent exactly queing up for me either. We cant choose the conditions of our birth nor the genes that constitute us. So how?
2) Be a provider
Do you find women who openly declare that they'd like to be impregnated by irresponsible men and then abandoned during their nauseous 9mths of childbearing? Hav u come across women who say they love to be single mothers juggling 2 jobs and 3 babies because the father of her children left them? I dont think so. You see, females, especially mammals (thats you and me) are extremely vulnerable when they are heavy with child, because of the gestation period (9mths). After the child is born, it will require supervision, care and feeding until it reaches maturity- humans take bloody long to do that, there are 23 yr olds who are still terribly immature.
Now which do you think a human female would prefer-
a) penniless, doesnt wanna get a job, can hardly provide for himself let alone wife and kids, no future ah seng
b) drive fast car, stable income , can send kids for piano lesson, next month get promoted ah huat.
If you cant answer this question you are probably too stupid to raise kids and therefore shouldnt have them.
So to my fellow men out there, stop bitching about how women only care about money and good looks, go out there and get a job, improve yourself and go for a jog.
So why do some losers die virgins? Well, in a cruel, pure biological sense (over here i will use animals as examples), an organism which such poor genes will not get a chance to mate and will therefore die, its fucked up genes die with it. Or 2 organisms that have poor genetic constitutions will produce an offspring with such a poor state of health that it dies before sexual maturity or is infertile.
In a human sense, if you are a slob, jobless, spending whatever handouts from your retired parents to pay for your 4D hoping to strike it big, then u r a loser that deserves to die a virgin. You are not exactly genetically weak, but your sexual fitness is at an all time low, and your ability to provide is non-existent. Dont spread your nonsense to future generations pls. Thanks.
[Let me make myself clear: I AM NOT A PROPONENT OF EUGENICS! One can make up for poor genetics by constantly improving themselves on other levels. When i say some losers deserve to die virgins i mean they can still live normal lives, just that they're virgins. I AM NOT SAYING go out and kill these fuckers before they get lucky!!!!]
To save myself a lot of accusations of being Hitler, i recommend you.....go......and.......
i) Selfish Gene (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/selfish_gene)
ii) Sexual selection (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sexual_selection)
iii) Sexual fitness (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sexual_fitness)
iv) Mate choice (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mate_choice)
next time I'll tell you why gorillas have small balls
One of the many boons of USP is a course in evolution
linbei, at 8:59 AM
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